Gum disease, also called as periodontal disease, comes in some different varieties. In its latter stages, gum disease is known as periodontitis. If your gums are severely swollen or if you can see large inflamed sacks of gums surrounding your teeth, you might have periodontitis, and you should get in touch with our office for a checkup as soon as... read more »
Poor oral hygiene practices can allow residual plaque, food particles, and sugar residue to harden into bacteria-rich tartar near the gumline. As this continues to occur your chances of suffering from gum disease can increase significantly. This typically starts out as the gum inflammation of gingivitis. This can cause your gums to appear red or inflamed gums, and they might... read more »
You should know a few important facts about gum disease. The word “disease” suggests impairment in the normal state of a living thing, or any abnormal condition that interferes with physiological processes. Since healthy gums are important to healthy teeth — and healthy teeth are important to the process of feeding your body the nutrients that keep it healthy —... read more »